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Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Termux Most Hacking Commands Hacking With Android Phone Termux Commands Basics To Advanced- Android Hacking Commands - SAMHACKERSWORLD

Welcome Friends Today I am going to tell you about Termux commands.Now a days Termux is a most demanding app. manly it's used for Hacking.so Friends let's we go on our Topic 👇
Termux Most Hacking Commands Hacking With Android Phone
Termux Commands Basics to Advanced- android hacking commands
cp -v used to prints informative massage
cp -r used to copy any directory
mv -u update-move when source is newer than destination
mv -v to move any directory
ls -n to display UID and GID directory
ls --version to check the version of ls command
cd -- show last working directory from where we moved
ls -l show file action like - modified, date and time, owner of file, permissions Etc.
ls help show display how to use "ls" command
cp -n no file overwrite
cd ~ move to users home directory from anywhere
mv [file1 name] [new file2 name] move or rename two file at a time
cd - move one directory back from current location
mv [file name] move any file and folder
ls list directory
ls -a list all files including hidden files
pwd it show your current working directory
mv -i interactive prompt before overwrit
wget [url] install tool , apt install wget
git clone [url] install any tools with git clone, apt install git
ls -al formatted listing with hidden files
mv -f force move by overwriting destination files without prompt
ls -i Display number of file or directory
cp copy any file
cd / change to root directory
cd change directory
cd .. change current directory to parent directory
curl -O [url] apt install curl
rm remove or delete files
rm [filename] remove any text files
rmdir [dir name] remove any directory
rm -rf force remove a directory or a folder
rm -r [name] delete a directory called name
apt remove [package name] uninstall / remove a package
touch [file name] create new file
mkdir [name] create a directory or folder
more [file name] output the contents of file
head [file name] output the first 10 line of file
tail -f [file name] output the contents of file as it grows
apt install zip install zip file tool
zip name.zip [file] compress file using this commands
unzip [zip file] to unzip file
ftp launch ftp client from terminal
-p use passive mode
bye terminate current ftp session, exit
ascii set file transfer to ascii protocols
bell bell sound after each command
status shows current status about ftp server
open host open a connection to remote host
remotehelp [cmdname] request help from ftp server
account [password] supply a password required by remote
uname -m used to find the architecture of your device
du display directory space usage
df display disk usages
cal show display calendar
w show display who is currently online
cat /proc/meminfo show memory related information
cat /proc/cpuinfo show cpu information
whoami show your login name
fingure username shows information about user
date show the current date and time
uptime show the system current uptime
man command show manual a command
free display memory and swap usage
kill send signal to process
kill- l list all of the signal that are possible to send with kill
lspci show PCI devices
lsusb show usb devices
apt search [qurey]
pkg search [qurey] find a package
locate [file] find all files with filename
locate [query] find all path names contains a pharse
whereis [command] find location binary /source/man file for a command
which [command] find of an executable
grep pattern [files] searching for pattern in files
grep -r pattern files searching for certain pattern in files
command | grep pattern search for pattern in the output of command
find / -atime40 to find all the files, which are accessed 40 days back
find / -cmin -60 find change files in last 1 hour
find / -type d -name mll find all directories whose name is mll in directory
find . -type f -perm 0777 -print find all tghe files, whose permission are 777
ifconfig shows all configuration a network interface like ip, mac
ifconfig eth0 used view the network setting on the interface eth0
ifconfig wlan0 view the network setting on wlan0
ping [host] to ping host ip and show results
arp check network card & show ip adress
host display specific server
netstat review network connection
nslookup find out DNS related query
tracerout ipadress display number of hops & respone time to get to a remote system and website
whois domain get whois information of domain
telnet [ip address [post] telnet connection
dig domain get DNS information of domain
scp copies file, over a source
uname -a used to display kernal information
whereis app shows possible location for an app
nano [file name] display and edit text files
apt show view package information
append [local-file] remote file append a local file to one on the remote

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