Improve your Website Security with SSL/TLS Certificate
Security is essential for any website to build the trust of visitors and for better ranking. It’s necessary for the transactional or membership based website, so you encrypt the sensitive data from a client to a server.
HTTPS would also boost the search engine ranking so you may consider having this for your blog as well.
If you are looking to have certificate implemented on your website without spending $$$ then here are few Certificate Authority house (SSL providers) to help you with that.
Following acronyms are used below.
- SSL – Secure Socket Layer
- TLS – Transport Layer Security
- CDN – Content Delivery Network
- DV – Domain Validated
- ACME – Automated Certificate Management Environment
If you are looking for shared hosting which provides free SSL certificate, then you may try SiteGround.
1. Let’s Encrypt
Let’s Encrypt is a collaborative project with Linux Foundation and new certificate authority sponsored by Mozilla, Akamai, SiteGround, Cisco, Facebook, etc. which offers SSL Certificate in free.
This is great to save cost to get it implemented in a non-production environment.
It’s automated that means you don’t have to spend time in creating CSR and send to CA authority to get it signed. It all happens in the background on your web servers.

2. Comodo
Comodo offers free SSL at zero cost for 90 days. This is a good fit if you are looking to play around no how SSL works or some short-term project.
Get your free SSL cert issued in minutes with the highest strength and bit encryption. All the main browsers recognize Comodo issued certificates.

Update: also provide free SSL for 90 days.
3. Cloud Flare
Cloud Flare is CDN & Security Company. They make your website faster and secure. Cloud Flare power many popular sites including Reddit, yelp, Mozilla, StackOverflow, etc.

Recently, Cloud Flare announced universal SSL in free for all the users. That’s right even if you are in the free plan. If you are using Cloud Flare and SSL is not yet activated then here is how you can do it quickly.
- Login into Cloud Flare
- Select the website you want to enable SSL
- Click on Crypto icon
- Ensure it’s configured as “Flexible” and status shows as “ACTIVE CERTIFICATE”

It may take few seconds to go live, you can verify by accessing your website with https.
4. StartCom
StartCom gives free certificate for personal use. In order to get the cert, you need to validate the domain ownership.

You can have unlimited class 1 DV SSL certificate in free! Good for personal website/blog.
5. WoSign
WoSign is another authority to provide a certificate for 2 years without any cost. It supports SHA2 algorithm. “WoSign CA Free SSL Certificate G2” issues a cert.

6. SSL For Free
SSL For Free use Let’s EncryptACME server by using domain validation to provide a you certificate. It’s 100% free and certs are issued within minutes.

30 Days Free
You may also obtain 30 days free trial from following certificate provider.
- GeoTrust
- Symantec
- Entrust (60 days)
- Trustico
- Quality SSL
I hope above helps you in getting free SSL for your website/blog. But if you are looking to buy a premium certificate for enterprise business then you can checkout SSL Store.
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